Google have their offices with slides instead of stairs, bean bags instead of chairs. Now Transport for London (TfL) have announced they are creating the world’s largest urban trampoline in the capital city next year.
The Bounceaway is being created in collaboration with Architecture For Humanity to get people fit and create a more enjoyable way to commute to work.
“Streets aren’t just for getting around…” – Boris Johnson
“Streets aren’t just for getting around,” said London mayor Boris Johnson. “They also shape our city and how people feel about it. The bright ideas we’ve received reflect a shared belief that London’s streets can be improved through a bit of creative thinking.”
Architecture For Humanity said they were inspired by this 170ft long trampoline created for an arts festival in Russia…
TfL will be partly funding the project from their £1.8 million Future Streets initiative, while the rest will be crowdfunded. A trial version will be open later in 2014 for Londoners to give it a try.
There are quite a lot of questions that need answering still. How long will it be? Where will it go to?
Either way, we’re pretty stoked on the idea of commuting by trampskating like pro snowboarder Scott Stevens here…
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