How many lockdown days has it been now? We were, initially, keeping count but after our second DIY haircut in quarantine we sort of lost track to be honest. Anyway, one day they’ll let us out for real and when that time comes it might be nice to, you know, have a new bit of outdoorsy gear to show for it. “Treat yo’ self,” as Tom Haverford in Parks and Recreation would say.
This roundup here is made up of some of the coolest discounted items currently available on the websites of our good pals Blackleaf and Webtogs. We dig the stuff they sell, and we think you will too.
Deus Ex Machina Tokyo Address Crew Sweater
Nothing says “Hey. I’m cool and casual” quite like a Deus Ex Machina sweater. There’s just something about it that screams “I wore this in lockdown while vaping to the sound of my vinyls spinning, I wore this on my government allocated evening walk round the local park, and I’m for sure going to wear it round town when we’re eventually cut loose and like, you know, allowed to hug each other again and stuff.”
RRP: £79.95 || Blackleaf: £68.49
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