Photos: Chris Johnson
The Outdoor 100 launch day. It’s up there with Christmas Day, isn’t it? The kind of rare day where you can wake up in the morning and say to yourself “Yes. Yes. Yes. Today’s the day that all of my wildest dreams will come true.”
Click Here To See The Outdoor 100 2019/20
Brought into this world, as it is every year, by the Outdoors Magic crew (who eat waterproof layering technology for breakfast, lunch, and dinner) we think the 2019/20 edition might just be the best one yet.
We do probably say that every year to be fair but, honestly, get your eyes on it. There’s some beautiful videos, shot in Norway, some beautiful photos, shot in Wales, and, most importantly of all, some truly useful information on what the kit is, why it’s good, where it could be improved, and why you should consider getting it for your next adventure. Go check it out.