Contrary to what you might have heard Inchkeith is not just the name of Rolling Stones’ guitarist Keith Richards “Little Keith.” It’s also an extremely wee abandoned Scottish island with a human population of zero, a lighthouse, some seals, some chickens and not much else to be honest.
What better place then for Mr Danny MacAskill to test the new Santa Cruz Heckler e-mtb. Picture the scene; just Danny boy, an electrically-powered bike, and an entire island all to himself (minus the seal pups and chickens obviously). Bring all those ingredients together and what you end up with is some seriously fun, seriously cut-loose, creativity.
If you liked Gymnasium, of course you did – you’re not made of stone, if you liked Danny Daycare, of course you did – you’re not made of stone, you’ll love this I reckon. Give it a watch.

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