You know when Red Bull go all out on a video that they’re going to produce something special. They did it with Kriss Kyle’s Kaleidoscope, they’ve done it with Danny MacAskill on numerous occasions and now with ‘Frames of Mind‘, they’ve done it with mountain biker Matt Jones as well.
‘Frames of Mind’ is a short film that uses ‘rotoscoping’ techniques to show how Britain’s top freestyle mountain biker visualises his tricks and pushes his riding. Rotoscoping is the process of transferring an image from live action film into another film sequence. If you’ve seen the Keanu Reeves/Robert Downy Jr/Woody Harrelson/Winona Ryder film ‘A Scanner Darkly’, it’s how that was made. In Matt Jones’ video, the end result is something that looks like it’s been taken straight out of a Tony Hawk-style video game.
Of course, the filming techniques in ‘Frames of Mind’ aren’t the only talking point though. Matt Jones is a hell of a rider, and by the end of the edit he’s managed to land a full five world first tricks on a mountain bike – as well as some bonus extras which are particularly good looking.
1) 270 Rim Bonk

When: 0:40 in video (1st trick)
What: Matt transfers between features with a 270, adding in a front-rim bonk off a tree to help him on his way. A ridiculous world-first to start off the video.
We’ve actually been known to hit a tree or two from time to time at the start of a mountain bike run as well, though admittedly when we do it, it also tends to be the end of our run…
2) Loop-the-Loop

When: 1:50 in video
What: This one is self-explanatory! Not a world first, but damn impressive. There’s something about a giant loop-the-loop that never gets old. It’s very existence is a challenge to the world.
Matt told Dirt Magazine: “This is not actually like a conventional loop-the-loop. It was five metres off-set. When you do backflips on a bike, you’re rotating backwards but you’re still travelling forwards. With this you ride up but the moment you start travelling back the way you came. It’s so weird!”