Tony Hawk, aged 48, has just landed yet another 900. Tony Hawk is 48. Forty Eight! So, why is this significant? Let’s just cast our minds back to the last whiffs of the 20th century.
June 27th, 1999. San Francisco. A 31 year old called Tony Hawk is the most dominant vert skateboarder the world has ever seen. That evening, at the X Games Best Trick contest, he lands a 900 – two and a half full rotations on a skateboard. It’s a trick that, at the time was the holy grail of vert skateboarding.
Within days of the Bird Man touching those four wheels down onto the halfpipe, skateboarding was changed forever. Video games were released. Movies were made. Skateboarding may have already left the underground by that point, but it was catapulted into being a global phenomenon by Hawk and his 900.
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Everybody from major sports brands, to the president of the Unites States wanted to bask in the reflected ‘cool’ of skateboarding. Hell, even the normally stuffy IOC want skateboarding in the Olympics. And it all started that night when Tony Hawk span himself and his skateboard around two and a half times in the air.