The Ex-Seasonaire
The Ex-Seasonaire
The ex-Seasonnaire is in denial about the fact they are now just another sad ‘punter’ and have therefore become the very thing they used to despise.
This means their behaviour can go one of two ways. Bitter and jealous of your cool chalet-bitch status, they know all your little short-cut tricks and may therefore decide to deliberately make life difficult for you and try to catch you out.
This may include unsolicited helping of selves to clean towels, turning their bedrooms into an impenetrable stew, demanding a cooked breakfast every morning and complaining to your manager if you miss service.
If you’re lucky, they’ll take pity on you, bring you a big box of English tea bags, a jar of marmite, some Branston pickle, tell you to take the week off from cleaning and get you banjaxed on chalet wine every evening. So treat them nice…