Candide Thovex is back with yet another mind-melting freestyle skiing edit, One of Those Days 3, and although it’s only been out for about 20 minutes, it’s already blowing up the internet.
“At one stage he punches an old school skier and grabs his horse, a minute later he’s dangling beneath a helicopter”
Rumours had been swirling for a while that the legendary French freeskier was planning a follow up to the insane One of Those Days and its sequel, and two days ago he got his fans frothing by dropping this picture.
Almost there
Posted by Candide Thovex on Sunday, February 21, 2016
The combination of crazy tricks and mental antics (at one stage he punches an old school skier and grabs his horse, a minute later he’s dangling beneath a helicopter!) pretty much guarantee that this edit will be a surefire hit.