Whether you’re taking skiing lessons in the UK, a budget ski resort, a ski resort ideal for beginners, or a super luxurious ski resort; the relationship between student and teacher rarely differs. Like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars, ski lessons are a moulding of talent; a sharpening of instinct, a route of progression from Jedi apprentice to full blown Jedi skier. The master, who looks a lot like Ewan McGregor, watches you develop; watches in dismay as you go from the light side to the dark, reluctantly fights you on a volcanic planet and slices your arm off with a lightsaber and erm…yeah, we may have lost our thread. Shout out to Revenge of the Sith though (the least terrible Star Wars prequel).
If you’ve never experienced a skiing lesson before, or a snowboarding lesson for that matter, and are worried about making a complete tit of yourself when you finally do – fear not. To help you get through your ski tuition without any sort of embarrassment, we’ve compiled this list of things you should never ever do during a lesson. Follow these words of wisdom, and you won’t go far wrong.
Oh, and we’ve chucked in some useful skiing lesson links at the bottom of this article if you do want to organise some ski tutoring but haven’t got round to actually sorting that out. Entertaining and informative, that’s us in a nutshell. Anyway, here are the things you shouldn’t do on a ski lesson.