If you think you have seen athletes do crazy things, then think again. Jeb Corliss has made a name for himself for being one of the world’s top BASE jumpers and wingsuit pilots. With an impressive 1,000 jumps under his belt, including the Eiffel Tower, Golden Gate Bridge and Angel Falls, he has also been known to fly through waterfalls and pet Great White sharks. It’s safe to say this man fears nothing.
With many near-fatal experiences and broken bones to his name, his latest accomplishment, the ‘flying dagger’ really does put him at the top of the spectrum of being a daredevil. After jumping from a helicopter at 6,000ft, he proceeded to glide through a 10ft wide crack in Jang Langshan Mountain in China at 122 mph. One slight wrong move or sudden gust of wind and this could have been the very last flight of his life.