6. Surfing Is Way More Important Than Chores

What Dr. Gary Says: “Frequently engaging in behaviour when expected to fulfil occupational, academic, domestic or social obligations.”
You know you should study for that test. The laundry is piling up, and so are the dirty dishes. You promised your spouse that you’d wash the cars today. But damn, the waves on the local surf cam look mighty fine!
Oh, and too bad another romantic beach walk has been spoiled, when your special someone caught you mind-surfing the waves instead of gazing into their eyes. Everyone around you should know by now that surfing is priority number one.
7. You End Up Neglecting Work/Spouse In Favour Of Surfing

What Dr. Gary Says: “Continuation of the behaviour despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent social, academic, financial, psychological or physical problem that is caused or exacerbated by the behaviour.”
Your spouse is feeling neglected, and complains that it’s been ages since you’ve taken a vacation that didn’t involving surfing.
Your boss thinks you’re a slacker, and you feel eyes boring into the back of your salty, sandy head each time you slink to your desk a bit later than your non-surfing coworkers.
Every spare cent goes to surf gear, trips and magazines. That niggling shoulder injury isn’t getting any better, since you won’t give it a rest from paddling. Still, you surf each and every chance you get.
8. You’re Always Chasing Bigger, Better Waves

What Dr. Gary Says: “Need to increase the intensity, frequency, number or risk of behaviours to achieve the desired effect, or diminished effect with continued behaviours at the same level of intensity, frequency, number or risk.”
It’s just not the same anymore. You grinned from ear to ear the first time you stood up on a big foam longboard and somehow managed not to fall off as a tiny wave pushed it to the sand. But now that seems so lame.
While whitewater used to be enough, now the surf has to be at least head-high with decent form. These days, it takes more and more to get you smiling – bigger waves, bolder manoeuvres – but you keep on chasing the stoke.
9. “Sorry Guys, I’m… Errr… Busy” Is A Regular Line

What Dr. Gary Says: “Giving up or limiting social, occupational or recreational activities because of the behaviour.”
Your friends asked you to join them on an early morning bike ride this weekend, but you were non-committal. The forecast shows there might be a swell coming in, and you would have to get out to the lineup early to beat the crowds and the wind.
Last week, you turned down a promotion because it came with more responsibility and a start time of 7am, and you just couldn’t give up those early morning dawn patrols. Surfing is at the centre of your universe, and the rest of your life revolves around it.
10. You Get Irritable When There’s No Waves

What Dr. Gary Says: “Resorting to distress, anxiety, restlessness or violence if unable to engage in the behaviour at times.”
It’s been flat for weeks, or at least it feels like weeks. You snapped at your best friend this morning, and blamed it on not having finished your coffee. But that’s not it, is it? You haven’t surfed in far too long, and you’re itching to ride a wave.
Life’s not so good without that water time. You’re constantly irritable, and eating and drinking more than you should to try to fill a void. Surfing is your drug, and you need a fix, you salty addict.
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