Tired of his/her humdrum life in a city office, this adult has decided to sack in their job and book the first flight out of their home country straight to Bali.
Unlike your regular gap-year backpacker, the adult backpacker can’t hack hangovers any more so won’t be starting the drinking games in hostels. They will more like be found sipping a latte while flicking through The New Yorker on their iPad, rather than vomming into a bin after one too many arak cocktails.
Like all backpackers however, they will run out of money at some point and find themselves back in the city where they started, living in a grimy shared flat while all their friends have moved to the countryside to get married and have babies.

You can spot these guys by their irritating smug grin as they sit in the local hipster coffee joint. They will love telling you how they can work wherever they want as long as they’ve got wifi. You will find them hanging out in Dojo’s or similar hip co-working space, spending more time bragging than actually working on their online tech start-up, while rinsing every penny they have left on iced vegan lattes.