“No home,” a wise man once said “is complete without a map“. And we couldn’t agree more. There’s just something right and proper about having an ancient looking map adorning a wall.
It’s a gentle reminder to all that enter you house/castle/squat that you’ve seen a bit of the world and, by gosh, you’re hell bent on seeing even more. But almost as much as we love to travel, we love to tell people where we’ve been.
And now, thanks to this scratch-off map, you can do exactly that without even using words (which, frankly, are overrated anyway). Simply get your map up on your wall, scratch off every place you’ve been, and bask in that international-jet-setter-glory you so richly deserve.
And, even better, if you go to a friends house who’s also got one, and house been to more countries as you, get your revenge by scratching off places with rude names. We recommend: Shite Kamarzard (Iran), le Tampon (France), Crap (Switzerland), Jirkov (Czech Republic), Dildo (Canada), Titybong (Australia), Fuku (China), and Wolverhampton (UK)