

Skateboarding in Slovenia | How this Monument Was Transformed Into a Mini-Ramp

Skater Jan Robek and photographer Luke Paige teamed up to create the sickest shots

It’s often said that skateboarders see the world differently. More often than not, it’s true – at least when it comes to architecture and the creative possibilities it offers.

Where most people would look at this sculpture and see a concrete monument, young photographer Luke Paige and his friend, skateboarder Jan Robek, saw a mini-ramp – and an opportunity to create some incredible photos.

Jan Robek approaches the monument with trepidation… Photo: Luke Paige

“The monument is located in Croatia, near the Slovenian boarder,” Luke told Mpora. The pair of them are from the former-Yugoslav republic of Slovenia, a place with a lively skate scene. “It is actually a monument to revolution, built after World War II by Dusan Dzamonja, who was a Macedonian contemporary sculptor.

“This is one of his best works. I came across it on a random page on internet. When I saw it, the idea was quite obvious. [I thought]: ‘Let’s ride this thing.”

“It’s often said that skateboarders see the world differently – and more often than not, it’s true.”

“When we got there, well, let’s just say, that thing is enormous,” Luke continues. “It’s 14 metres [45 feet] high and we had no idea how we were gonna get someone up there.

“It took us four hours to climb the monument – and it was scary to see him up there. I’m sure it was even more scary from his point of view!”

Skateboarder Jan scrambles up the monument. Photo: Luke Paige

“We weren’t sure what the surface was going to be like up there, or if there was going to be enough speed for anything. Jan had picked bigger, softer wheels [for more speed].”

Jan skating the makeshift mini-ramp. Photo: Luke Paige

“Thankfully, everything came together at the end. Jan did a few airs – one of which nearly made him fall off – so that’s when we stopped, got him down, and went home.”

Jan tosses his board down. Photo: Luke Paige

“The hardest thing.” Luke says, “was to get the perfect shot. He had to do a perfect trick, and there needed to be enough clouds in the background – a clear sky really wouldn’t make such a great photo.”

Jan was no doubt relieved to make it down from the monument in one piece. Photo: Luke Paige

So what’s next for Paige? “I am planning some colour work, since the last few series’ have been black and white.

“Actually,” he says, “I just want to focus on storytelling. That is my favourite thing about photography.” If he keeps telling stories as visually exciting as this one, we reckon Luke’s work will soon be spreading far and wide.

Jan claims the spot with a flair - and rightly so, in the words of Skepta, it's been shut down! Photo: Luke Paige

You can see more of Luke’s work on Instagram @lukepaigephoto. If you’re a budding photographer who’d like to see your work published on Mpora, or shared across our network you can send it to us on Facebook or via email. Check out our submission guidelines and advice here.

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