Believe it or not, Kermit The Frog has been doing the rounds since 1955. One quick calculation later, and you realise that the world’s most famous muppet is hitting 60 later this year. 60?! With that in mind, it’s probably time for the gangly-armed, big-mouthed, freak to start considering his retirement plans.
But, shit man. We can’t live in a world without a comedy frog. You don’t even want to go down that road, it’s too depressing to comprehend. Thankfully, some scientists in Costa Rica have done us all a favour by discovering a Kermit The Frog lookalike. And, get this, it’s a real frog (not just a puppet, with a hand up it’s arse).
This brand new frog species is going by the name ‘Diane’s Bare-hearted Glassfrog’ (Hyalinobatrachium dianae). One of the most remarkable things about the frog, apart from the fact that it’s an absolute doppelganger for Kermit The Frog, is it’s translucent underbelly. Ths guy is putting it ALL on show. What a lad.

We’re not sure yet how the ‘Bare-hearted Glassfrog’ will cope in the cauldron of a stand-up club or the pressure-cooker of television. But, in all honesty, nobody on earth does and that’s exactly what makes this emerging comedy talent so exciting.
Sure, he has some mighty big shoes to fill (do muppets even wear shoes?), but we think the Hyalinobatrachium dianae can handle the heat. Whether he can handle the seriously irritating Miss Piggy, is another question entirely.

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