There’s a lot wrong with the world at the moment, isn’t there? Like…a lot. If, for example, you’re reading this while curled up under the kitchen sink with a half-eaten tin of cold baked beans beside you we’d understand. It’s a stressful time, a stressful time to be alive. One thing that is good though, in amongst all the doom and gloom, is a real sense of momentum behind the environmental movement. Just look at the way Greta Thunberg has put young climate change protestors on the street and brought international attention to the planet’s dire climate situation. Actions like hers are the lights when all other lights go out. Yes, there’s still a long way to go of course but being green is increasingly being seen as the “done thing” to do and that, well that, is something we can all take comfort in.
“The kit that will, in some small way, help us save the goddamn planet”
All of which leads us on neatly to the launch of Outdoors Magic‘s ‘Green Gear Guide 2019 – 2020‘, a celebration of eco developments and environmental innovations in the outdoor industry. From the extremely recyclable Picture Organic jacket, and Teko Discovery socks (made from recycled fishing nets), to Vivobarefoot’s Primus Lite II BIO shoe (it’s vegan), and the Vaude Wolfegg backpack (made from gone-off milk… it’s true), this is the kit that will, in some small way, help us save the goddamn planet.
Click Here For Outdoors Magic’s Green Gear Guide 2019/2020