Adventure races are perfect for outdoor athletes, bored of competing in normal events. These people want to push themselves to the absolute limits of their mental and physical capabilities; they went their bodies to ache, their skin to sweat, and that sweet rush of adrenaline which only comes from accomplishing extreme objectives. Picture a fitness nut. You’ve just pictured someone that’s primed and ready for these adventure racing events.
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5 Things Nobody Tells You Before Your First Adventure Race
Adventure Racing: 10 Obstacles You’ll Find At An Obstacle Course
Taking part in these type of events is a growing phenomenon in the United Kingdom, and around the world. Official events can be seriously varied but, in a nutshell, adventure racing is a multi-discipline team sport that can take place in the wilderness or across specially built urban assault courses. Some races do offer solo entry but, for the most part, they’re all about working together as a unit and helping each other out.
Races can go on for anywhere between two hours and two weeks. The principle disciplines of adventure racing are trekking, paddling, mountain biking, climbing, abseiling, skiing, white water rafting, yachting, and even horse riding (although obstacle course sections and other sporting challenges often feature). If this pick ‘n’ mix bag of sports sounds like you’re cup of tea and you want to know about the best races in the UK, get your eyes on this list and absorb its informative goodness.