7:30am – We’ve arrived at the Spartan Race event in Sevenoaks. I’m nervous. I’m really nervous.
7:34am – I see some ominous obstacles, and people who’ve clearly trained for this milling about.
7:35am – My total lack of preparation for today starts to hit home.
7:36am – What am I doing here? I can’t do a Spartan Race.
7:37am – We chat with two of our Spartan Race contacts Karl and James, and agree that I’ll be setting off in the 9:40 heat. First things first though, we’ll be following the ‘Elite’ competitors round the course in the on-site 4×4.
“Madness?…THIS. IS. SPARTA!”
7:41am – I wear a smile, but my insides are filled with a swarm of butterflies; a swarm of butterflies that are literally on fire. I really should have trained for this.
8:00am – The Elites are off and running.
8:01am – “Right, everyone. Get in the car. Let’s go-go-go!” says Karl,
8:03am – Karl is racing the 4×4 across fields, and down country roads. His walkie-talkie is a hotbed of activity. The Elites take this event very seriously, and it’s up to people like Karl to make sure it runs smoothly.
8:06am – “ETA: TWO MINUTES. AND I’M COMING IN HOT,” shouts Karl into the walkie-talkie, as we hurtle round another bend in the road.