Theory of the day. There is nothing on Earth that doesn’t look better, more artistic, when it’s shown in super slow motion. Not sure what it is exactly that’s so great about watching stuff sloooowed riiiiiiiiight doooooooown but nobody can look us square in the eye and say “You know what? I’m just not into it. I’m just not into slow-mo.”
In this video, titled ‘Phantom of the Optic’, you’ll see Bryn Atkinson riding like you’ve never seen him ride before. Serving up a whopping 1000 FPS, you’ll be able to study every minute detail of his style, his technique, his bike, his shoes, his wheels and the rest. I’m not saying you’ll get to know Bryn better than his own friends and family but also, in another way, that’s exactly what I’m saying.
Love the slow-mo. Love it.

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