Imagine a world without LEGO. You can’t do it, can you? It’s like imagining a world without gravity, air to breathe, or red hot nickel balls. LEGO was there for you when you were younger, and it’s there for you now you’re a fully fledged adult with responsibilities; responsibilities like paying taxes, mowing the lawn, and buying your own clothes. Yes. LEGO is a constant in your life. It might be a while since you sat down with your Dad and tried to build the Millennium Falcon from scratch, but thanks to the internet you can still get LEGO dosages on an almost daily basis.
We recently posted a video that demonstrated precisely what happens if you try to go bare-foot running on a load of LEGO and so, with that in mind, here’s what happens when you try to go skateboarding on a skateboard made of LEGO. It’s from the Braille Skateboarding channel, whose ‘You Make It, We Skate It’ YouTube series you’ll no doubt already be familiar with.