Found it. Found your new set of wheels. It’s called ‘The Ark’ and, I mean, just look at it. Look how impressive it is. It’s like a jacked-up school bus, a steroid-taking lorry, a white van that’s been religiously hitting the gym twice a day for an entire decade (“e’eryday is leg day”). It’s all of that, and something more, all rolled into one.
Created by a Ukrainian company called Sherp this absolute beast of a vehicle, as the video above so clearly demonstrates, is more than capable of tackling whatever the world throws at it. Icy lake? Sure. No problem, mate. No problem whatsoever. *taps The Ark’s f***-off huge wheel* This baby’ll take you anywhere you want to go.
“A white van that’s been religiously hitting the gym twice a day for an entire decade”
We won’t bore you with too many of the details (you can learn more about The Ark’s specifications here). What we will say is that it’s pretty nifty that the tyres here are part of a special design that allows them to be inflated and deflated instantly to change traction (they’re attached to the exhaust system). Like we said already, head on over to Sherp’s website if you want to get schooled up on all the deets. Nerd!
If you’ve watched the video already and are still casually knocking about on this article for some reason, here is a list of things we think The Ark could beat in a fight: Mike Tyson, your Dad, Volde-wotsit from Harry Potter, King Kong, Darth Vader, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Lee Cattermole, Julian Dicks, a wall of pneumatic boxing gloves, a hammer, John McClane in Die Hard, your Dad again (man just won’t stay down), and finally that kid who went to your school for like three months and who got expelled for chasing Mr Johnson the PE Teacher round the astroturf with a hockey stick.

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