Featured image credit: Aaron Schwartz
A couple of years ago, I had the idea of trying to find a practical way to help new creatives and storytellers get into the industry.
Regular listeners to my podcast Looking Sideways will have heard me talking about this idea on and off over the last couple of years. So I’m absolutely hyped to have partnered with my friends at Db to launch the Db x Looking Sideways Fund.
The idea is simple: together, we want to find the next generation of creatives, and help them tell the tales the world needs to know. We’re also looking for ideas that aren’t the usual tried-and-tested action sports/outdoor industry tales.
If you’re a photographer, a writer, a podcaster, a journalist, an artist or a film-maker with a story to tell, we want to hear from you. And we want to help you get your project out there.

Db x LS Fund – What we’ll offer you
This year, we will choose two winners and help them tell their stories. These winners will receive:
A budget of up to €5000 to make your project a reality.
Mentorship from our unrivalled team of creatives. Together, we’ve made books, films, podcasts, events, exhibitions and everything else. Whatever your idea, we’ll match you up with people who can help guide you every step of the way.
A full Db Ramverk collection.
The chance to be featured in our Pack Heavy, Chase Light documentary series directed by Sam Moody. Click here to get an idea what an amazing platform that is.
The chance to be interviewed about your project on my Looking Sideways Podcast.
Help getting your finished project out into the world.
The deadline for entries? July 31st 2022.
Sounds amazing right? Remember: we’re looking for an original idea, and a story that you’re burning to tell that the rest of the world needs to hear. ‘I want to go surfing in Indo with my mates and take photos of it’ is unlikely to make the grade.
Got any questions? Leave me a comment below and I’ll do my best to answer it
Ready to enter? You know what to do – hit the button below