Yeah, it’s already that time again. The first snowfall has just dropped in the Alps, bikes are being hung up for winter storage and we’re pressing the launch buttons on this year’s Ski 100. Winter is most certainly making a (long overdue) return. A buyer’s guide of the best ski kit in the business for the 22/23 winter season, the Ski 100 is a chance for us to get our rulers out, put our nerd hats on, and really geek out over some of the finest ski gear that’s about to drop into your local ski shop.
We’re psyched to see all this kit come to market. From first checking it out during the trade show circus, which finally got to make a return after a two-year Covid-inflicted hiatus, to clicking into the new skis at various ski tests, we’ve had the good fortune to try this stuff out.

During the first full year where ski resorts could actually open to international crowds, the Mpora crew also found time to host its own Test Week. For it we clubbed together a group of shredders to fine tune our shortlist amongst the legendary terrain of Absolut Park, Flachau. It was here where we also had our talented camera crew on hand to capture video reviews of the top products. Head over to our YouTube channel to check out these reviews.