Travel is one of the most holistically rewarding things you can do. Travel broadens the mind, fills your life with wonderful stories, familiarises you with other cultures, cuisines, and ways of living, and can even make your moral compass a little more open to some of life swifter routes to happiness (or cheating, if you must give it a name).
But you don’t have to go far to have a good time. In fact, there are many cool spots right here in the UK that you should check out.
TravelSupermarket, the holiday wind of online fiscal wizards MoneySupermarket have released a list of the top 20 hippest places to hang out in the UK, and the results might surprise you.
This Woman Is On A Mission To Prove That Absolutely Anyone Can Escape And Live The VanLife
When you think of the hippest of hip places in the UK, you probably immediately think of London, and specifically Shoreditch, Camden, or Carnaby Street, depending on quite how vintage your Dr Martens are. And while London is represented, it only gets two places in the top 10, and 4 spots in the top 20. Take that, Kate Tempest!