When it comes to surfing, we were all beginners once upon a time. Even legendary surfers such as Kelly Slater and Makua Rothman had to start somewhere; had to make those baby steps surfing beginner waves on beginner surfboards (before shooting rapidly up that learning curve and becoming the very best in the business).
And so, with that in mind, we thought we’d compile a list of the best surfboards for beginners. However, rather than just say “Hey. Here’s seven surfboards that are basically exactly the same,” we’ve decided to showcase a selection of products that will allow you to chart out a journey from total rookie to early intermediate. Dream big, shoot for the moon, and all that.
Softech Handshaped Original Funboard Surfboard
Made by industry-leaders Softech, this is your classic mini-mal foamie. It’s got a user-friendly outline, is easy to carry, and has a generous volume that’ll make paddling onto small waves that much easier. If you’re a total beginner, this one’s ideal.
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Spooked Kooks Dead Hippie Thruster Surfboard
Like at school when you grew out of your pop music phase and started getting into all them guitar bands, the Dead Hippie Thruster from Spooked Kooks is essentially a cooler, edgier, more punk rock version of the Softech surfboard mentioned above. Plus, with its recycled plastic bottom and fins it’s also got some decent eco credentials. One of the best-looking foamies around this.